For 2023, our hourly fee schedule is:
Professional Licensed Fiduciary - $165.00
Clerical Work - $55.00
Rather than struggle with complex rate sheets, we use this simple schedule for all of our work. If your case is a trust, you will be charged the above rates by the hour. We do not charge a flat percentage of funds administered for trust work.
Should our rates change, we notify clients in writing 60 days before the change takes effect.
Our rates comply with the Local Probate Rules of Court, Superior Court, County of Santa Clara. The Rules permit compensation for private fiduciary conservators ranging from $115.00 to $165.00 an hour (effective 1/01/13). Clerical and bookkeeping work are compensated at a maximum of $55.00 an hour.
Our time is charged by the tenth (.10) of an hour. Another way of saying this is that we charge in six (6) minute increments.
Our invoice shows the name of the individual who did the work, a description of what was done and the amount of time the project or task required.
When working with clients on a case not overseen by the court, we may require a contract.